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... transformation


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My Five Core Pathways to Personal Freedom

Spiritual Freedom,  Emotional Freedom,  Religious Freedom,  Physical Freedom, and Financial Freedom!


"Yes, I am very intrigued by your videos as you are very advanced in spiritual development!! I am still seeking truth and I am studying science philosophy religion and esoteric sciences!! I know your book will help me on my journey and I send love and light to you!!"


"Your spirit is very evolved and passionate which is what I need to inspire me and keep me motivated!! I can see a lot of spiritual depth in your eyes which are the windows to the soul because I think I got it like that!! Take care and I can't wait to

learn from your great spirit sweetie!!"



Your Greatest Self.




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You are quite a Spiritual Leader! I've listened to some of your interviews, and I have to tell you - the Link between you, and your God Fragment is very strong! You are one of the Voices of God!

Emil (fb)

Telling you Thank YOU is NOT the highest compliment I can give you ~ Evidence of significant CHANGE/GROWTH/ELEVATION/FREEDOM (A more healed to excellent "ME") in my life/person and the expansion of my reach of compassion and aid to our fellow wo/man to heal and elevate our wo/men ~ our people and the world ~ will be the highest compliment I can give YOU ~ With the Creator's/Creatresses's Blessing and YOUR guidance (FART In The WIND ) All Glory and Praise and Honor to our Creatress/Creator for HE/R Omniscient ~ Omnipotent LOVE ~ ~ Bless YOU ~ Lodi  "


I Am who Yahuah says I Am. Freedom

"Vivian is a master at knowing how to break through the layered, structured boundaries and restricted confinements of humanized concrete ~ thereby skillfully freeing the soul and consciousness of those who have become contracted and encased physically, emotionally, and spiritually, by this life‘s manifold hardened and difficult onslaughts.


In this life, Vivian aka "Freedom," is not only a poet and writer, but she is also a musical therapist and mystical naturopathic doctor in the skilled artistic application of herbs and plants in healing the mind, body, and soul ~ she is also a qualified life experienced emotional counselor, and is one that has achieved such important and honorable eminence through the myriad painful experiences she has personally overcome in passing through innumerable life experienced crisis and personal spiritual initiations to achieve ascendancy over her lower self which has Graced her with the Grand ability to heal others now facing and going through those very same dark corridors of pyramidal proportions that she herself has had to overcome.



(Shaikh Ibrahim Al-
Jahizz M’Backe)
Author of, Rain Of Grace, New & Selected Poems ~

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