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Transformational Speaker

What does it mean to be a Renaissance Woman?


The definition of a Renaissance man or woman is a  who is well educated, sophisticated and has talent and knowledge in many different fields of study.

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Freedom Gale


Personally trained by one of the Best Transformational Speakers, Lisa Nicolas, Freedom Gale hits the stage with equal heart, compassion, and fortitude, sharing her messages of hope, change, and success, that transforms lives and motivates and inspires change!




Transformational Speaking Topics


 Your Health is

Your Wealth

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  Finding Personal                              Freedom

All people need Personal Freedom!

Here Freedom expounds on all Five Core Pathways to Freedom in her Signature Speech! 

Gale gets Emotionally naked in this talk!

She bares her

soul holding little back about her personal journey through life and how she overcame numerous trials.


Gale is a master of helping people break through their own barriers and emotional strongholds and helping them finding hope, willingness and the courage to allow themselves to break their cycles of self-destruction and transform their lives! 

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I became a Certified Raw Foods Instructor to Get Healthy.


Learn how I transformed my debilitating Autoimmune health issues through diet and changes and how you can too. 

     If I Can Do It

So Can You!


A Motivational Talk for Teens!


Freedom shares her stories of surviving, abuse, homelessness, drug addiction, and teen parenting, to her climb to success.


Providing hope, Gale lets teens know how they can succeed in the midst of everyday challenges and adversity! 



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